现在招聘! Explore a Career at 韦德娱乐1946. 观点的机会
矿业 a partnership that's full-service, on-site and experienced

矿业 a partnership that's full-service, on-site and experienced

Whether you’re greenfield, 布朗菲尔德, 或者完全运作, you know the value of consistent and focused attention from a top equipment dealer. 特别是在偏远的站点,当您无法等待技术支持或重要的机器部件时. 

露天采矿作业越来越复杂,部署在具有挑战性的偏远地区. What would it mean to your business having a full-service dealer right at your site?  

Especially one with experience in launching autonomous haulage system (AHS) 将技术转化为生产,同时满足您所有的设备部件和服务需求? 

现在打电话  向专家请教

Let’s talk about how 韦德娱乐1946 can help your organization.
“Conuma相信我们选择了正确的合作伙伴,以获得小松设备和SMS设备的零件, 服务和支持. 他们经过验证的结果和经验证明了他们的产品和服务的质量."

                 - 约翰 Schadan, President


现在打电话  向专家请教

As a mine operator, you’ve seen how small issues can quickly become big headaches. With field solutions on site or on call, worries about unproductive downtime are taken off your shoulders. 无论你在哪里,任何地方都可以为你的设备提供服务或维修. From small maintenance repairs to complete machine overhauls, SMS设备的认证技术人员采用最新技术,随时准备就绪.

当你进入一个新的领域时,很难找到你需要的高技能人才. 我们可以帮忙. 我们的远程采矿部门的员工是一个高度流动的劳动力,可以立即提供,所以你有专业知识,因为你需要它. On site, we provide cross training; side by side with our technicians. 


您的采矿项目是一流的,值得拥有最新的顶级设备的质量和可靠性-从运输卡车和推土机到装载机等等-具有灵活的保修选择. 韦德娱乐1946 offers only world-renowned brand names that meet the highest standards of reliability and productivity; complemented by a select range of custom attachments. 


希望提高操作的生产率,同时使其更安全,更高效? 你可以. 计算机控制的无人驾驶汽车正在引入行业内无与伦比的革命性控制技术,你可以成为其中的一部分. 跟我们谈谈. 小松已经在全球范围内使用FrontRunner®自动运输系统运输了超过30亿吨的货物. 

韦德娱乐1946将为您提供行业专家,以协助您在AHS实施的各个方面(如政策)开发团队能力, 程序, and safe work practice development. 向我们询问小松智能挖掘机和推土机,它们提供完全集成的3D GNSS系统,使每次通过都有意义. 

资金紧张的? We understand your struggle and can help. 无论您处于哪个运营阶段,我们的定制融资都能满足您的需求. 来自资本租赁, operating leases with or without purchase options, to direct financing through conditional sales contracts; all are available to you at competitive rates.

You may find it more convenient to rent some of the equipment you need. 如果效果最好的话, you can choose rent-to-purchase on terms from three to 12 months, or short-term rentals through our subsidiary 克伦茨却.

Your mine is unique - your maintenance plan will be too.  我们提供保证的长期维护计划,完全为您的操作定制. From administration to project management, trades to technical support, or maintenance planning to inventory management, we have the experience and expertise to support your specific requirements.  Choose from a mix of block labour and master service agreements, 按比例计划, cost cap strategies and cost per hour plans.  Ask your representative for details.

没有哪个地区太偏远.  SMS设备在从海岸到海岸横跨加拿大和阿拉斯加的远程采矿作业中经验丰富.  我们的高机动性采矿专家团队随时准备从启动开始工作,我们建立设施以支持您的操作. 
Serving You Coast-to-Coast

With locations to serve you across Canada and Alaska, 韦德娱乐1946 is your local equipment and solutions provider.

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